Slaid Cleaves - Rod Picott
Jenni Finlay Promotions day party
SXSW 2013
Threadgill's (South - Outside)
Austin, Texas
March 13, 2013
Source 1: Audience [Rode NT4 Stereo MIC]
Source 2: Onstage [Apex Condenser Mic x 2]
Source 3: Soundboard [Main Mix]
>Tascam DR-680 [44.1kHz, 16bitWAV]
Taped by Joshua Cain, mixed in Audacity by scdegraaf
It was an outdoor event, so the occasional traffic by can be heard.
Slaid Cleaves [20:54]
1. Jenni's introduction
2. Drinkin' Days
3. Still Fighting The War
4. Without Her
5. Banter
6. Whim Of Iron
7. Black T-Shirt
8. Banter
9. I Love Texas
Rod Picott [24:16]
w/ Doug & Telisha Williams
1. Jenni's introduction
2. Welding Burns
3. Banter & tuning
4. Rust Belt Field
5. Banter
6. Angels And Acrobats
7. Banter
8. Jesus And The Devil Too
9. 410
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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