Warehouse Live - Houston, TX
April 18th, 2015
"God Save Sleater-Kinney"
Lineage / Equipment:
8' from right ceiling stack / fob -> 6.5' h -> at933's (4.7k dt mod) cards -> naiant pipsqueak pre (+4dB)
-> edirol r09 (24/48) -> san disk extreme plus 32gb class 10 - 80mb/s -> reader -> audition 3.0 (100 Hz
paramatric eq roll off l - +1dB l / +10dB r - fades - normalization) -> har-bal 2.3 (slight e.q.) ->
audition 3.0 (dither to 16/44.1) -> cd wave editor (track split) -> tlh (flac level 8, etc...) -> DIME ->
you -> sense of enjoyment -> sharing is caring -> support the artist (yes) -XX convert to mp3 (no!!!)
K.I.L.L. = Keep It LossLess
Dedicated to my pal, blg!
01. Price Tag
02. Fangless
03. Start Together
04. What's Mine Is Yours
05. No Cities To Love
06. Get Up
07. Surface Envy
08. Oh!
09. One Beat
10. A New Wave
11. The End Of You
12. Little Babies
13. Ironclad
14. No Anthems
15. Bury Our Friends
16. Words And Guitar
17. Entertain
18. Jumpers
19. 'Encore Break - Corrin Speaks'
20. Gimme Love
21. Dig Me Out
22. Stay Where You Are*
23. Modern Girl
24. One More Hour
* Tour debut
The Band...
Corin Tucker - Vocals, Guitar
Carrie Brownstein - Guitar, Vocals
Janet Weiss - Drums, Backing Vocals, Harmonica on 23
Katie Harkin - Keyboards, Additional Guitar
The band / performance...
After a near decade-long hiatus from live performances, Olympia's riot grrrls, Sleater-Kinney return to tour their
powerful and provocative "No Cities To Love" album. Previous visits to H-Town had been met with mixed indifference.
Not this time around. The crowd energy was electric to say the least. The ladies powered through nearly 2 dozen songs
in less than an hour and a half. Carrie and Corin stopped only to catch their breaths and to thank the capacity crowd
of 1700+, acknowledge the presence and importance of Planned Parenthood in Texas, and to dedicate "A New Wave" to Bob's
Burgers', slightly disaffected Tina Belcher. The band were very tight showing little signs of wear at the midpoint of
their 41-Date Reunion Tour.
The recording...
I arrived early enough to secure a spot at the venue's right stack about 7' from the rail. I noticed during the opener
"THEESatisfactions" that my right channel was significantly higher than that of the left. I wasn't able to sort matters
out before S-K took the stage. Janet's kick drum appeared to send my right channel off the rails. I spent the first 20
seconds or so of "Price Tag" backing off the levels. Upon reviewing the recording it appeared that the right channel was
"bottoming out" with bass. I applied a 100 Hz parametric e.q. "roll-off" in Audition to mitigate the distorted "thump".
I used Har-Bal to smoooth out the mids and highs. It's far from perfect but still very enjoyable as Corrin's plaintive
vocals are very clear and at the fore. Audience noise is minimal with little or no chatter and just a little "whoo-hooing".
This is Texas after all. The recording captures the band at the height of their collective powers.
The highlight...
The reflective and vulnerable "Modern Girl" complete with audience sing-a-long choruses and Carrie's vocals accompanied
by Corin's baritone guitar and Janet's harmonica playing. A song that is sincere and ironic at the same time. Stellar.
A note...
Songs were tracked on Carrie's first sustained note or Janet's count-in preceding the song.
A review...
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: