The Slip
The Haunt, Ithaca, NY
Source: Schoeps CMC64 [on ceiling, 15' back] > Apogee AD1000
Transfer: CD-R > Shn v2 > WAV > FLAC
Disc 1
1. Ernie Mickey
2. Nellie Jean
3. The Lucky Dragon
4. Spice Groove
5. crowd
6. Tune in 7 (Satyricon)
Disc 2
1. Joe Higley
2. Don't Foil The Mohel
3. Yellow Medicine
4. Rhythm-a-ning
Disc 3
1. Brad talks, bass solo
2. Alsoa
3. Dogs on Bikes
4. Antiquity
5. Just A Closer Walk With Thee
This is a tagged transcode of verified SHN files from source 3183
Original Notes:
Thanks to my brother Sam for inadvertently leaving his discs behind
when recently passing through Stanford! I extracted his audio CDs
with TAE in Overlap mode and also fixed some minor glitches and
tracking anomalies in Peak before shn'ing. For the purists out there,
various tracking oddities led me to believe that the initial DAT > CD
conversion was possibly done via a standalone. A few digibursts may
remain, but the recording is otherwise superb. The music speaks for itself.
Andy Gustin
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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