The Slip
The Note, Chicago, IL
Recorded by: Chris Olson, Patched out and transferred by Matt Edlhuber
Source Info: Neumann ak40 > lc-3 > km100 > Lunatec V2 > Sonic AD2K+ > Sony TCD-D8 @ 48khz
Location: (Mics on-stage/DFC on 2' stand)
Equipment: Sony PCM-R500 > Audio Magic Presto II > ZA2 (48>44.1) > Soundforge > CDwav > SHN > CD-R > FLAC
Disc 1
Set I:
1. Dogs on Bikes
2. Aptos
3. Spice Groove
4. Hey Worrier
5. Cumulus (Brad on sitar-guitar, with Native American instrumental)
6. Rhythm-a-ning
Disc 2
Set II:
7. Impressions *
8. The Lucky Dragon $
9. Moral Decay *
10. Don't Foil The Mohel >
11. Yellow Medicine
* = Fareed Haque on Fretless 12 string solid body acoustic guitar.
$ = Fareed Haque on 6 string acoustic guitar.
Original Notes:
Dogs on Bikes & Aptos in set 1 each had 1 large pop that came off the Sonic AD2K+. This came from changing the gain adjustments that the taper had made. Not sure why they were on the tapes but they are on my clones and the master dats also. They were removed with cool edit pro.
New Notes:
This is source 1754 with an additional CD-R gen. Sounds great though! Re-tracked slightly.