The Slip
"Lazy Day Homecoming"
Rhodes on the Pawtuxet Ballroom, Cranston, RI
Source: (left stack) ortf Neumann km184's > Zaolla XLR's> Grace Lunatec V2> Oade Interconnects RCA> DA-P1> coax> DA-P1> DAT @ 44.1khz
Lineage: DAT Master> coax> Audiphile 2496> Wavelab 4> FLAC> xACT> WAV> SD4> WAV> xACT> FLAC
Recorded by Chris Friel, Patched by Brian Donohgue (with Clinton Vadnais' deck)
Transferred and mastered (5/30/08) by Clinton Vadnais
Disc 1
1. intro >
2. The Earth Will Dissever And Consume You After These Messages >
3. Wolof
4. 74
5. Nellie Jean >
6. Moral Decay
Disc 2
1. Get Me With Fuji ^
2. Tonight We Leave Chicago
3. Gemini (Kingdom of Light)
4. Jumby
5. Put on a Happy Face (Played out of a boom box)
6. Dear Milena
7. Yaki Soba
Disc 3
1. Sometimes True to Nothing
^ preamp overdriven in the beginning
Original Notes:
Club d'Elf, Mackie Burnett, Leslie Helpert opened, along with Meowskers' comedy troupe
I had let Brian use my DAT recorder to patch from Chris. I used a Mac Laptop rig at this show. I recorded to an external hard drive. I think the show went a little long. Just a couple of moments after the set ended the house staff shut off the power to the sound equipment. This is where I was plugged in. My laptop was saving the session and the loss of power corrupted my whole recording. Luckily Chris was there and this sounds pretty damn good.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: