The Slip
Creekside Jamboree, Forksville, PA
Source: Schoeps CMC621 > Lunatec V3 > DAT > D7 (Master)
Transfer: Sony R500 > S/PDIF > MOTU Ultralight > Peak 6.2 > WAV > FLAC
Recorded by: Franklin Malemud (Patched out of unknown recordist) Transferred by: Harry McQuillen
One Set:
1. Cumulus
2. Children of December
3. Aptos
4. Get Me With Fuji
5. Before You Were Born
6. The Soft Machine
7. Dogs On Bikes
Missing a few seconds at the beginning and has one very brief dropout about 25 seconds into the first track.
Big thanks to Franklin for the DAT!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: