Bilston, West Midlands UK
The Robin 2
15 May 2005
A mere few days after their debut concert in Zaandam (Holland), documented on MoonJune Records, they played at the well-known club Robin 2 in Bilston, West Midlands. Their third gig together. Beautiful!
Elton Dean: alto sax, saxello, Fender Rhodes
John Etheridge: electric guitar
Hugh Hopper: bass guitar
John Marshall: drums
01. Seven for Lee
02. Ash
03. 1212
04. Baker’s Treat
05. talk
06. Grape Hound > drum solo > Big Creese
07. Kings & Queens
08. As If
09. encore: Wanglo-Saxon
audience recording, unknown equipment, sound quality A-
cdr in trade, EAC, Trader's Little Helper
bombardino readymades > October 2008