Soft Machine Legacy
Jazzclub Quasimodo, Berlin, Germany
19 July 2006

FM radio broadcast (Deutschlandradio)

FM > ? trade CDR > EAC > WAV > Cool Edit Pro (re-tracking) > FLAC Frontend > FLAC (L7)

CD 1
1. Introduction by Lothar Jänichen
2. Ash
3. Seven For Lee
4. Footloose
5. Strange Comforts
6. Jam (fades)

CD 2
1. Intro to part 2 of the broadcast
2. Grape Hound
3. 1212
4. As If
5. Kings & Queens
6. Drum Solo > Jam
7. Kite Runner
8. Outro

John Etheridge (git)
Theo Travis (ss, as, fl, loops)
Hugh Hopper (b)
John Marshall (d)