Something for Kate
Day on the green
Leconfield Winery
Maclaren vale 2014-02-22
<The One I Love ( missing about a minute due to excessive wind noise that cannot be remedied . this was due to us walking back to the front through the crowd as we had been delayed by a food queue, unfortunately it was extremely windy away from the protection of the stage )
Survival Expert
Cigarettes and Suitcases
Déjà Vu
Down the Garden Path
Captain (Million Miles an Hour)
Miracle Cure
Sweet Nothing
Paul Dempsey
Stephanie Ashworth
Clint Hyndman
The sound was on the whole, outstanding for an outdoor gig , with one proviso - the wind was very gusty and was a particular nuisance during the Something For Kate set. I have had to resort using the mic rumble remover many times, the audience although pissed were pretty quiet where we were, subdued in fact.wind noise is now negligible .
This is a great show with generally great sound and if you don't know this band check them out !!!!!
SP-CMC-25 cards >SP BB > Sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav > Mac Pro > Adobe Audition ( remove excess applause , adjust levels and minor EQ > XACT SBE( LEVEL 8 )
Stealth mode 6 metres from stage centre , generally quiet audience except where noted.
Don't sell it , share freely , listen to it LOUD
photos for this and other acts on the day courtesy Dr Phibes, who was sitting elsewhere as he bought his ticket separately.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
SomethingForKate2014-02-22DayOnTheGreenMaclarenValeAustralia (9).jpg