Songs From The Road Band
16th Annual Hickory Fest, honoring the legacy of Sue Cunningham
Stony Fork Creek Campground
Wellsboro PA
2018-08-18 Saturday
73'F 68%RH
Source: (1) BSCS-L > Edirol OCM R-44
(2) SBD > Edirol OCM R-44
(3) JB-mod NAK CM-300 (CP-3'S) on stage > Edirol OCM R-44
Soundman : George Powell - FOH, Zack Shepard - Monitors
Location : FOH 100+' from stage, and on stage omnis
Transfer: Audacity > r8brain > CD Wave > TLH
Recorded and matrixed by capnhook
t01 -intro by Brian O'Shea-
t02 Sing To That Mule
t03 Token Love
t04 No Capo For Andy
t05 Mellow Mood
t06 Traveling Show
t07 Bohemian
t08 track 8
t09 Lesson I Can't Unlearn
t10 Around Like
t11 -thanks Frank Serio-
t12 Ride Captain Ride #
t13 -song intro-
t14 Revenue Man #@
t15 -encore crowd-
t16 How Can It Be Wrong If It Grows Wild #
# - with Billy Gilmore, Tommy Maher, and Andy Buckner
@ - debut
Never For Sale.
Please support artists that allow taping by buying merchandise & attending shows.
Charles Humphrey III
Sam Wharton
Mark Schimick
James Schlender
Ryan Cavanaugh
Photos courtesy of Frank Serio
Thanks to George at GP Audio for being kind to us tapers.
Special thanks to Sue.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: