Songs Of Praise featuring Mangum And Company and Doyle Lawson And Quicksilver at the Lowell Folk Festival, JFK Plaza, Lowell, MA, July 27, 2019, audience recording.
This was recorded with Zoom H2 with internal mics, on the middle mic gain setting. H2 lined into computer by USB, wav sent to Magix Audio Cleaning Lab 12. Magix program was used for track markings, volume boost, and before and after show noise removal. Flac created with Trader's Little Helper, SBE and torrent work also done with TLH.
Track listing -
01 - discussion
02 - Doyle Lawson And Quicksilver - I Am Going To Heaven
03 - discussion
04 - Mangum And Company - There Is Power In The Blood
05 - discussion
06 - Mangum and Company -
07 - discussion
08 - Doyle Lawson And Quicksilver - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
09 - discussion
10 - Mangum And Company -
11 - All - I'll Fly Away
12 - All - Lord I've Been A Hard Working Pilgrim
This came out pretty nice. There are moments when the host's voice crackles a bit - that's the PA, not me. There are plenty of moments when the mics need to be ironed out a bit. That aside, this is a wonderful listen - Mangum & Company is described as a gospel brass "shout band," and Doyle Lawson And Quicksilver is a bluegrass group, who appeared here in an acapella form. Both sets of artists discuss their backgrounds, in relation to religion and music, and how they put them together. It was a very enjoyable way to spend Saturday at noontime on the patio of the Lowell Police Station. I recorded from a little to the right (our left) of the stage. I think the horns sound a little loud, but the levels tell me that it's not my fault. It was a touch breezy, too. I appreciated this "workshop" set, because it ended up being the only time I saw either group over the weekend. I took a bunch of cellphone photos - they give you a good idea of where I was recording from. There will be more Lowell Folk Festival sets to come.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (19).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (2).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (20).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (21).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (22).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (23).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (24).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (3).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (4).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (5).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (6).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (7).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (8).jpg
SongsOfPraise2019-07-27MangumAndCompanyDoyleLawsonAndQuicksilverLowellFolkFestivalMA (9).jpg