Sons Of Morpheus
Burg Herzberg Festival 2015
Breitenbach, Hessen, Germany
August - 01 - 2015
Mental Stage (23:50 -> 0:45)
Rec. Info:
Olympus LS 100 with internal mics (@ WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> transfer -> DATA DVD received via Mail -> HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by dear taper brother KRAUTBEARD somewhere close to the stage edge. Due to the very difficult taping conditions at the smallest of the three "official" stages at Burg Herzberg
(tons of chatting from people passing by, on and off) and the - unfortunately - limited sound range of the internal mics - this recording sounds fair to good. Some kind of warbling from
lower muddy sound to higher cleaner sound is much audible here, but it's just the way it is, warts and all. Some pretty fine pics are included as well...
Spacebandit notes...on BURG HERZBERG 2015...
My 20th anniversary at the HOLY MOUNTAIN couldn't go wrong long before. During last winter time my dear taping brother Lars from Oslo decided to join in the fun. What's been "just" a
"tape connection" which was seeded on DIME developed into a real fine friendship during the holy days. If there's a proof that DIME connects people from other countries, which would
probably never met, than this might be it. So...more details...
Audience: 12500+
Ticket Fee: Very Early Birds (80 Euros)
Weather: only one strong rainshower at early thursday, moderate daylight 20+ then on sat/sun up to 30+, fucking cold nights...(but we know that)
Most likely the best weather conditions at HOLY MOUNTAIN ever! Dust instead of Mud!
Catering: about ten really good food booths ranging from african to local food. Gorgeous! Nice prices, too.
Drinking: no hard stuff, usually bad beer, but if you knew, there were some booths selling "Pilgrims Stuff", which was tasty at 3.50 Euros. Plus 3 Euros Return.
That was a downer as I really liked it (in the past) when the kiddies "steal" my cup for 1 Euro return. I wouldn't have bothered about...
Special thanks to...
The Burg Herzberg Organzing crew, helpers, lightning and sound magicians, the many cool people that I met and had a real nice talk, the cool neighbours at our campsite in the middle
of nowhere, but "deep from the heart" thanks to the real nice people who shared the "camp" with me, my brother Martin, sister-in-law Martina, Olaf and Lola, the "Wanderer" Klaus,
the mighty great one-man-band Martin from Bochum (Stoppok songs always work!), the cool tapers I met first time like Gunnar or Greener, and, of course to my norwegian friend Lars.
Good shows, perfect weather, great time..indeed. All worth doing it 20 years so far...
Everytime, if day or night, Burg Herzberg Festival never fails to bring on some really exciting music. During the setup change at the close Freak Stage (about 100 meters walk), there
was SONS OF MORPHEUS on the smallest (Mental) stage. Heavy 70's rock, much fueled by Jimi Hendrix driven guitar playing, "morphing" into a superb finale with long spacerock jammings on
the final two songs. Great music by sympathetic guys from Switzerland. Of course this country has to offer more than delicious chocolate (though I never seen a kakao tree there?) and
perfect hiding of the world's dictators money...this is definitely from the positive side of view. Hope I'll get a good chance to see them sooner or later...SB.
FULL SHOW (?) (53:54 min.)
01. Further along (3:33) *
02. Sugar boogie -> (3:33)
03. Jam (3:23)
04. .. (2:30)
05. .. (5:35)
06. Tsunami (5:40)
07. ... (4:12)
08. Psilocybine (13:33)
09. Into the sun (11:50)
the usual facebook/bandcamp ect. sites...
Support this band, go to their shows, buy all the merch your spaceship can carry.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you salted swiss chocolate until you burst!
Manuel Bissig - guitar, vocals
Lukas Kurmann - bass
Simon Gautsch - drums
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2015/08/29
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: