Sophistafunk Set 1 &3
May 16, 2011
Southern Sun Brewery
Boulder, CO
Total Time = 167:36
2 Source Matrix:
DPA 4022| DPA 4027
On stage - Front of lip
Source 1: DPA 4022 ORFT DFC - on
Stage Lip w/V3 Preamp -> Tascam DR680
Souce 2: DPA 4027 on Grace bar, mic
directed toward outside of monitors.
On Lip of stage w/Big Box -> Tascam DR680
Location: Mics on mic stand - Front of lip
about 3 feet high.
Transfer: Tascam DR680 (24/96) wav ->
USB cable -> PC
Editing: Wavelab plugins -> Flac(16)
MD5's and SBE checked and verified.
Recorded by Patrick H.
Disc 1 Set 1 (45:25)
01 4:37
02 4:53
03 5:08
04 5:49
05 8:21
06 6:58
07 9:39
Disc 2 Set 2 (62:55)
01 3:36
02 6:59
03 6:06
04 7:47
05 9:16
06 3:08
07 3:42
08 5:06
09 9:49
10 7:26
Disc 3 Set 3 (59:04)
01 0:58
02 4:41
03 11:09
04 8:04
05 8:34
06 1:28
07 0:23
08 7:30
09 7:47
10 8:30
Notes: This was a free show with
a 45 minute set by SF then an hour set
by MP and then an hour set with SF.
During set 2 and 3 members of each
bands sat in. Both bands put on high
energy sets with a very enthusiastic
Recorded 2 Source Matrix:
DPA 4022| DPA 4027
On stage - Front of lip
Sound at the show was good and sound
of the recording is good. During set
one the left monitor goes out and did
not come back on till the second set.
Crowd noise is very minimal.
Performance: A+
Sound Quality: A-
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