Brooklyn Bowl
williamsburg, NY
Bowlive VI

Neumann SKM140s>Edirol R44 + Schoeps CMC5/MK4>Sonosax SX-M2>Edirol R44
Audacity>CD Wave>TLH
Mastered and uploaded by Frankie D

Set One:
01. Dig
02. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
03. Fire Eater *
04. The Swamp *
05. Upshot *
06. Pungee *@
07. Keep On Marching *@ ->
08. He Bite Me (The Dragon) *@

Set Two:
01. On The Road To Charlie Parker *#
02. Pleasin' You *#
03. Back Together #
04. After Midnight @#
05. Ohio *@#% ->
06. Breathe @# ->
07. Down By The River @# ->
08. Breathe @#
09. Bertha @#
10. Africa *@#%^
11. Ain't No Use [w/ Purple Haze tease] *@%

* w/ The Shady Horns - Ryan Zoidis - Saxophones and Eric Bloom - Trumpet
@ w/ George Porter Jr. - Bass / Vox
# w/ Anders Osborne - Guitar / Vox
% w/ Maurice Brown Trumpet
^ w/ Questlove - Drums