Sound of Contact - Lostbrook 2.0 Volume 47
April 9, 2014
Cruise to the Edge (Day 3)
Pool Stage
MSC Divina
Docked at Cozumel, Mexico
Source: CA-14(cards)>CA-9200>Sony M10(24/48)
Transfer: Micro SDHC>PC>WAV>CQ Mastering>FLAC(16/44.1)
Location: 36' from stage-left stack
Taper: Lostbrook
Mastering: CQ
Covers: ethiessen1
Disc 1:
01 Cosmic Distance Ladder (5:43)
02 Pale Blue Dot (5:44)
03 I Am (Dimensionaut) (6:46)
04 Not Coming Down (5:40)
05 Remote View (4:27)
06 Beyond Illumination (6:03)
07 Only Breathing Out (6:04)
Disc 2:
08 Realm Of In-Organic Beings (3:30)
09 Closer To You (6:00)
10 Omega Point (6:42)
11 Mobius Slip (20:42)
12 The Big Bang (6:03)
13 Keep It Dark (6:14)
Simon Collins
Randy McStine
Bill Jenkins
Matt Dorsey
Ronen Gordon
We woke up on CTTE Day 3 to find that we were already docked in Cozumel. First on our agenda was Sound Of Contact's late morning set on the pool stage, rescheduled from Day 1 due to high winds and rain. This time we were greeted by beautiful weather with nothing worse than a light breeze as we toasted ourselves in the bright Mexican sunshine. I was looking forward to seeing Simon (son-of-Phil) Collins and had heard good things about him. Sure enough, he looks like Phil, sings like Phil, drums like Phil, and writes like Phil. He has great potential in my opinion and will be interesting to watch. "Like father like son?"
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: