Sound Of Contact - Lostbrook 2.0 Volume 56
April 11, 2014
Cruise to the Edge (Day 5)
Pantheon Theater
MSC Divina
En-route from Cozumel, Mexico to Miami, FL
Source: CA-14(cards)>CA-9200>Sony M10(24/48)
Transfer: Micro SDHC>PC>WAV>CQ Mastering>FLAC(16/44.1)
12th Row, facing stage-right stack (tracks 1- 3)
19th Row, facing stage-right stack (tracks 4-13)
Taper: Lostbrook
Mastering: CQ
Covers: ethiessen1
Disc 1:
01 Cosmic Distance Ladder (5:49)
02 Pale Blue Dot (5:35)
03 I Am (Dimensionaut) (6:41)
04 Not Coming Down (5:45)
05 Remote View (4:39)
06 Beyond Illumination (5:56)
07 Only Breathing Out (6:00)
08 Realm Of In-Organic Beings (4:03)
09 Closer To You (5:39)
Disc 2:
10 Omega Point (7:10)
11 Mobius Slip>Band Intros (20:23)
12 Fast Forward The Future* (8:57)
13 The Big Bang (3:18)
14 Keep It Dark (7:09)
* with Steve Hackett
Simon Collins
Randy McStine
Bill Jenkins
Matt Dorsey
Ronen Gordon
Sound of Contact's excellent performance earlier in the week convinced me to see them again, so we lined up early for this open-seating event in the Pantheon Theater. We didn't know that the SOC crew would forget about the time zone change and show up an hour late. This created a domino effect that altered the schedule for the rest of the day and caused my plans to change later that evening. It was worth the wait however, as SOC delivered another fine performance, this time with Steve Hackett guesting on one song. You'll also notice that I changed my position after the third song, once again in pursuit of better sound.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: