Cruzan Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FL, USA
Lineage: Sound Professionals SP-CMC-2 cardioid mics (mounted on eyeglasses) -> Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-4 battery box (no bass roll off) -> TASCAM DR-2d (line-in, 85%, 24-bit 96khz) -> 16GB SD card -> in Adobe Audition CC 2014.1: automatic phase correction (most accurate settings, auto center panning, auto align channels), normalized to -0.1dB and any DC bias removed, hard limiter at -15dB (smooth out wind noise), normalized to -0.1dB again, fade out -> WAV (32/96) -> tracked using Audacity 2.0.6 -> WAV (32/96) tracks -> FLAC 16-bit 44.1khz using FLAC 1.3.0 64-bit (level 8 compression) and foobar2000 v1.3.5 with its Resampler (SoX) component v0.8.3 (best quality)
Taper: ligushka (
Location: lawn section, approximately in middle (see taping location photo)
auCDtectTaskManager log & taping location photo included
A thunderstorm rolled through the first half of the concert, so bursts of wind noise are rather frequent for the first 40 minutes or so of the recording. I used a hard limiter to smooth them out - perhaps not the best way to go, but I'm not sure how to deal with wind noise otherwise. Next time outdoors I'll be sure to get some windscreens. A close lightning strike knocked out power after "Black Hole Sun".
Find my Nine Inch Nails recording from this night here:
Thanks to my buddy Austin who helped set up my gear and get it in the venue.
01. [7:22] Searching With My Good Eye Closed
02. [4:43] Spoonman
03. [4:44] Gun
04. [5:07] The Day I Tried To Live
05. [5:24] My Wave
06. [5:19] Outshined
07. [6:37] Jesus Christ Pose
08. [7:22] Black Hole Sun
09. [5:32] Superunknown
10. [4:51] Fell On Black Days
11. [5:52] A Thousand Days Before
12. [5:00] Rusty Cage
13. [7:41] Beyond The Wheel
Total time: 1:15:34
Mastered and shared by ligushka on DIME November 9, 2014. Reseeded on May 18, 2017 (RIP Chris Cornell).
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: