Soweto Gospel Choir - Fairfield Hall Croydon UK 2013-11-22, Hi-MD PCM master
Sony mic/MZ-RH1 Hi-MD PCM/Sonic Stage to wav via USB/adobe audition>phase correction>Tracks>fades>Flac
SBEs fixed/FLAC fingerprint file in Traders Little helper
These people roughly 12 men and 10 women make a wonderful big sound, their harmonies are superb. We sat in the fourth row of the front stalls roughly in the middle, which was some 30 feet from the stage, but about 50 feet below the PA speakers which were high up on the ceiling.
Plenty of hooligan clapping towards the end once the audience were invited to stand up!
Some photos I took are in the torrent. I wouldn't even begin to attempt a set list - any Zulu speaking friends here???
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