Space Invaders With Nik Turner
6th Psychedelic Network Festival
Cafe Cairo, Wuerzburg, Germany
November - 29 - 2013
Day # 1 - Act # 3
from SEETHEFUZZ7 collection # 073
Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 -> OLYMPUS LS11 (WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> WETRANSFER -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/volume balance/boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded from left side fronrt row, stage edge. Just a few a bit of annoying screams at the very start, the remainer is just the music. Sounds very fine.
No matrix this time as the other tape I wanted to use wasn't in sync by three attempts. I'll leave that for the experts... A few nice pictures by dear BLUESHACKS are also included!
So here's the first tape of the SPACETURNER experience...
The final act from the first evening at famous fantastic PSYCHEDELIC NETWORK FESTIVAL # 6 will show you the real beauty of far-out free form psychedelic space rock jamming.
The SPACE INVADERS, a band formed by veterans of the german psychedelic, kraut or spacerock scene hooked up with the mighty "Thunder Rider", Mr. Nik Turner for an unique event.
While this was to be the magical, spiritual highlight of the festival, myself would've loved a few more structured songs of the endless backcatalogue from the master creator himself.
Even at one point someone (audience/musician?) asked to join in/create for "Time we left this world today", but that was not to be. There are surely many fine Hawkwind quotes in/out these
long jams, but lacks the original tunes. But most likely, that wasn't their intention to do, but to jam!
So, join in the fun with the magical "Thunder Rider", as much as he did, the band did and the packed crowd, too...SB.
FULL SHOW (118:45 min.)
01. Soundcheck (7:44)
02. Sonic attack -> (6:03)
03. Space invaders -> (2:50)
04. SpaceRider jam # 1 -> (10:18)
05. SpaceRider jam # 2 -> Space invaders reprise -> (9:57)
06. SpaceRider jam # 3 -> (12:26)
07. SpaceRider jam # 4 -> (16:33)
08. SpaceRider jam # 5 (9:29)
09. Children of the sun jam -> (18:41)
10. SpaceRider jam # 6 (24:40)
Support the musicians, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use! Flac rules!
If you sell...a hawk will pick your face off!
No haze, but my bloodringed eyes could see those nice gents on stage:
Nik 'Thunder Rider' Turner - saxophone, flute, vocals
Mike Haefliger - guitar
Paul Pott - bass
Dirk Jan M�ller - synthesizer
Dirk Bittner - guitar, synthesizer
Dennis Gockel - drums
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/12/10.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: