Psychedelic Network Festival # 7
Cafe Cairo, Wuerzburg, Germany
November - 29 - 2014
Day # 2 - Act # 2 (16:10 -> 17:40)
Ladies And Gentlemen, We're Floating In Outer Spaces!
from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 734
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost/balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by the true frankonian taping warrior himself, SEETHELIGHT7. Mics and recorder were pasted on a window lintel at app. 2 meters from stage left side. Maybe a bit heavy on the lower
end, but nothing else to complain. For maximum enjoyment I would suggest to play this at 11 of 10 on your speakers. A few nice pics are included as well...
Spacebandit Notes... fifth visit to these outerspheres of music, and was all worth once again. I've only to regret to my soul that I had not been there for the first 2 ones in 2007 and 2009.
(there was none in 2008, so it's #7 so far!). Thanks so much to my "crew" for floating along the weekend once again. Most thanks to my bro Martin for driving both ways safely and
securing the hotel rooms many months before. The organizing genius, nothing less! Point. And of course for this grand accompany all through these days to the other gentlemen of my fantastic
PSYCHEDELIK STAMMTISCH, Joerg, Wolli, Michael, Martin and our dear Hesse Juergen (Rendel) to complete a 7 in for PNF #7. To SEETHELIGHT7, the true TAPING WARRIOR with heart and soul!
My forehead in the dust to Horst and the staff at Cafe Cairo for setting up another mindblowing festival. You can't SEE these shows, but maybe you might guess how gorgeous it was...
Running Order:
Friday, 28Th:
The Whole (Frankfurt, Germany)
Sendelica (Wales, Uk)
Monomyth (Denhaag, Nederland)
Saturday, 29Th:
Karaba (Muenchen, Germany)
Spacelords (Reutlingen, Germany)
Pyramidal (Alicante, Spain)
Knall - (Koeln, Germany)
We like to continue our short spacejouney through the lovely PSYCHEDELIC NETWORK FESTIVAL with the second act of the second day. SPACELORDS are a trio from Reutlingen area of Swabia in
Germany. This show was their second appearance at PNF, as they already opened the 2012 edition in grand style. Floating spacerock par excellence! One time very "dreamlike" and then straight
on the tracks of the HAWK warriors as well...and somehow it seemed very nice to hear a bit shorter set with more structured "songs" than all the other bands bands before prefered to do on
their far-our sessions...not that I'm opposed to that in any kind...but sometimes it needs a bit refreshing to the accumulation system...
Hope you will like this one as much as the others before...And so, let's dive DEEP into the SPACELORDS' world of sound...SB.
FULL SHOW (95:44 min)
01. Soundcheck (14:46)
02. Intro by Horst (1:17)
03. ... (8:14)
04. Hypnotized (8:16)
05. Sitarguitar (11:39)
06. Air liquid (10:27)
07. Synapse (8:56)
08. Pyroplastic monster (12:05)
09. No. 2 (20:00)
No sure about the last track title...long jamming tune...
Hope someone can fill in the missing title for track # 1.
the usual facebook ect. sites...
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all the merch your spaceship can carry.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy blog/tracker use. Feel free to spread in flac!
If you share, keep lineage and taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you rotten Spaetzle ansd Shrooms until you burst!
Matthias Wettstein: guitar, electric sitar, effects
Akee Kazmaier: bass, effects
Marcus Schnitzler: drums, soundscapes
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2014/12/05
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: