Speedy Ortiz
Deaf Institute
16th February 2014
Lineage: Church Audio CA-11 cardoid mics>Church Audio Battery Box>Sony PCM-M10 (24 bit, 44.1kHz)
Transfer: Sony PCM-M10> usb > wav > Soundforge 8 (Soften a few loud peaks, Normalise, Izotope Ozone maximiser (+2dB), Fade-in/fade-out, 16 bit 44.1kHz)>
CD Wave (Track splits)>FLAC>mp3tagv2.55a (Tag Flacs)
1. Plough
2. Casper (1995)
3. Swim Fan
4. Shine Theory
5. No Below
6. Taylor Swift
7. Tiger Tank
8. Oxygal
9. Gary
10.Everything's Bigger
13.Indoor Soccer
Recorded 10 feet back left of centre.
Blurred photo of setlist included.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: