Spin Doctors
Prospect Park
Brooklyn, NY
Source: AKG Shotguns (probably) > D5 by Luke McCormick
Transfer: MC (XLIIS-90) > Nak Dragon > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz) > Tascam HRE > PCM @ 2496
Master: Wavelab 11 (tracking, glitch correction, re-balance and EQ, resample, Lin dither) > FLAC 1644
01. Intro
02. Jimmy Olsen´s Blues
03. At This Hour
04. Forty Or Fifty
05. Big Fat Funky Booty
06. Sweet Widow
07. More Than She Knows*
08. Thanks & Announcements
* = w/ John Popper from Blues Traveler
Part of a free concert in Prospect Park featuring Blues Traveler, Spin Doctors, God Street Wine, Dreamspeak, Sons of Jubal and Kitchen Ethics. The accompanying poster, designed by Darren Greene and Tim Vega, who did much of the early artwork for Blues Traveler, gives the details.
The bands probably played in the opposite order listed on the poster, so Spin Doctors probably opened for Blues Traveler at around 6:00 p.m.
This is a very good, clean recording. Thanks to Luke McCormick for the master cassette.
--mhg :: 2022-02-28
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