The Spinney Brothers
Clarence Center/Akron Menonite Church
Akron, NY
March 13, 2014
Taper: Bigdaddyvflo
Gear DPA 4061 mics > Church Audio CA9100 preamp > Tascam DR-07
Transfered and downconverted by Bigdaddybflo
Mastered by }{eywood
Lineage: DR-07 > USB > Adobe Audition 3.0 (conversion to 16/44.1, track splitting) > Dropbox > }{eywood > Adobe Audition 1.5 (EQ, limiting) > TLH (SBE fix. flac 8)
Here's an odd entry into the History of Buffalo Concert Series. One of the world's leading bluegrass bands playing in a little church (the pews seat 7 and there's not even an altar, although that may be a Menonite thing) in Akron (The Middle Of Nowhere, NY, essentially). 42 tracks, some of them dialogue. Neither Bigdaddy or myself have any idea what the names are. Help with the setlist would be appreciated
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: