Queens Hall Edinburgh
Sunday 9th October 2011

tufty M10 > WAV > PC > FLAC > you
sony PCM D50 (16bit-44000hZ) - Church-Audio STC-9000

No mastering, all tracks are exactly as originally recorded.

01 Hey Jane (cuts in)
02 Hey Little Girl
03 You Get What You Deserve
04 Too Late
05 Heading For The Top
06 Freedom
07 I Am What I Am
08 Jesus Won't You
09 Mary
10 So Long
11 Sway
12 Shine A Light
13 Cheapster
14 Good Times
15 Take Me To The Other Side
16 Oh Happy Day

I was caught out with the 8.30pm start time, so the first 5 minutes of track one are missing.
There wasn't a lot of time to get set up + mess about with recording levels / choose a spot etc but think I got away with a half decent recording.
The volume recording level was definately top end during the louder tracks but thankfully no distortion.
After trying various software / mastering, the tracks either sounded the same or not as good, so decided to leave them exactly as they are.

Feel free to share anywhere you like and in any format you like.

Many thanks to Pontiac B and to Stephen for their excellent RAH and Leamington Spa recordings, and cheers to those who took the pictures included.

Tufty - October 2011


