Chicken Shack
St. Alban's Arena
St. Alban's, UK
Bootleg: British Blues Night (Trial-27)
Audience recording
opening for John Mayall & Mick Taylor
01 So Much Trouble
02 The Thrill Is Gone
03 Reconsider Baby
04 I Know
05 Sweetest Little Thing-Hurt
06 Dr. Brown
07 I'd Rather Go Blind
Stan Webb
Jim Rudge
Gary Davis
Mick Jones
edit notes:
-removed 45 seconds of commercial music from the beginning
-attenuated louder clapping and talking
-removed mic bumps, clicks & pops
-increased gain between tracks with Stan talking
-balanced channels & eq.
The taper was quite chatty and obviously there for Mayall but
I thank him for capturing the legendary Stan Webb.
Wonderful recording and much better without the talking.
Samples in comments.
Enjoy this quality recording.
bluebomber 2018
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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