Stanley Clarke group
Stanley Clarke: bass
Ray Gomez: guitar
Gerry Brown: drums
James Tinsley: trumpet
Al Harrison: trumpet
Bob Malach: tenor saxophone
Al Williams: baritone saxophone
Michael Garson: keyboards
N.Y.C. New York, U.S.A.
December 3, 1976
audience tape
runtime: 77:44 (minutes/seconds)
1: ? > 2:36
2: silly putty 5:15
3: school days 13:13
4: ? 7:53
5: Stanley talks 4:21
6: ? 10:34
7: ? 3:44 cuts at :54
8: lopsy lu 14:07
9: ? 6:20
10: ? 9:40
unknown audience recording >
? > CD > CD extractor >
wav > flac (sb's aligned)
torrentially yours.
a this and that, Ray of sunshine production.
do not sell this recording.
share freely and losslessly
(gaplessly too, if possible)
a decent recording, probably done on an average quality recorder,
not a high end one, although parts of it sound better than others.
there are no major flaws or screams of note, but a few occasional noises/ voices
and there are cutoffs of the applause after most of the songs,
also a couple of cuts, and awkward or abrupt starts of a couple of songs,
probably in the original recording.
pretty good recording location since everyone sounds like they come through well
which isn't easy with a band this size in a larger venue like this one.
this CD was recieved in a snail trade.
it does not sound like the full show, but probably close to it.
one of these songs might be "quiet afternoon"
this is from several months before his live album was recorded in 1977 from LA
that's a good one, if you like Stanley's playing
a nice crowd response and performance