Steam-Powered Soul
A Tribute to John Hartford and KDHX Benefit
St. Louis, MO
December 29, 2012
Early Show 7-9:30 p.m.
Ryan Spearman
00. Let Him Go On Mama
01. All Fall Down
02. Steamboat Whistle Blues
03. Banter
The Lulus
04. Cuckoo's Nest
05. Bring Your Clothes Back Home
06. Wish we had our time again
07. Ladies live such a long long time
Kevin Buckley & Ian Walsh and Friends
08. Tear Stained Monologue
09. Long Hot Summer Day
10. Leather Britches
11. Holding
Lodge Brothers
12. Miss Ferris
14. Ragged Bill
15. nobody eats linebaugh's anymore
Rough Shop
16. Today
17. Howard Hughes Blues
18. Tall Buildings
Ryan Spearman
Art by Sleepy Kitty
This recording is most of the first set of the evening. The remainder of the 1st set and the 2nd set were recorded
but I am not sure of the access which could be months out. If the remainder of these shows up I will update this file.
I was not the taper for the remainder as Leftover Salmon played the same night in St. Louis. Enjoy what is here and
hope the rest arrives too.
Please support all of these artists by purchasing their commercial recordings and seeing them live
Support, public radio in St. Louis
recording by Jeff Mankin
Missing from this recording
Early Show last performer
The Flying Mules
Late Show 10 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
Mark Bilyeu and Cindy Woolf
Foggy Memory Boys
The Root Diggers
The Notable Haberdashers
Stickley & Canan
Colonel Ford