1971-03-02 ::: Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Karslruhe-Festplatz ::: Stadthalle ::: Festplatz 9 ::: M-AUD
~*~ Mk3 version, carefully remastered fixing various issues, with differential EQ & lite NR ~*~
01-[16:26]. ...***MEGA jam***
02-[01:27]. ==applause/announcement about Kieran?/song intro
03-[02:01]. Walking Down The Road (instrumental) ->
04-[10:16]. drums ->
05-[01:08]. Walking Down The Road (conclusion)
06-[01:39]. ==tuning/song intro==
07-[00:27]. Riding On The L&N// (fragment only!)
Total Time ::: 33:24
::: VG+ mono AUD with bass distortion in loud parts. Check samples for terror alerts, idle curiousity, or to drool&sweat.
::: Warts: Repaired dullspots & dropouts but surely missed a few. Loud bass portions have some continuous distortion (lessened in Mk3 version). Bit o' hiss. #01 fades in late. #07 cuts after 25 secs.
::: CONTRAST CLAUSE: This is the somewhat improved Mk3 with EQ+lite NR version. The Mk2 NO EQorNR version is available elsewhere.
::: COMPARISON CLAUSE: "Mk1"version is the original transfer as received from the taper.
::: Identical set in Mannheim&ended with"Riding On The L&N->Hold That Train"22+mins, so likely that's missing, plus possibly more.
::: Tues nite 8pm Tix 5-DM (2€) "1500 fans/30 policemen". BILL: The Pike/Fashion Pink/Steamhammer.
::: Previous Karlsruhe concert price increases to 8-DM (€4) had led to protests so there was a lot of extra security at this gig.
::: After the show had sold out, there was still some room in the venue, so the promoters let some more people attend for free.
::: Tour supporting new"Mountains"LP recorded (summer?)'70, but just issued Nov'70, 3-4 months before this gig.
::: So our Mannheim recording is not longer totally unique as this is another TRIO show - also opens with a rippin' jam.
::: Kieran White (guitar/harp/lead vox) STILL hospitalized w/gastrointestinal bleeding&couldn't play (Also missing on 1971-02-27 tape).
::: Thanks to EXC Hamburg photo in Wikipedia, we know Kieran was back performing by 1971-03-29 & perhaps earlier.
::: STAGGERING effort on the part of DIMER propylaen, really. RIGHT on top of 4 "new"(to me) Steamhammer 1970+1971 shows which he also generously provided ("Penumbra"2CD boot), this showed up, complete with concert documentation beyond the ken of most mortal Steamhammer fans (stunning photos!). Even in these jaded times of "nothing surprises me" webdom, it is a remarkable haul.
::: Haven't found out yet if taper also recorded opening bands, but inquiring - here's to hopin'!
::: SMALL files sizes due to only using better L channel after remastering (more info below).
::: PLEASE #1: Steamhammer's BBC World Service "Rhythm&Blues" set brdcst 1969-09-27 (Junior's Wailing/All Your Friends Are Gone/Riding On The L&N) still isn't around & I'd love to hear it while my ears are still 'earin'.
::: PLEASE #2: I'd love to upgrade the 1969-07-13 BBC Top Gear session I've up'd a couple of times. It IS out there somewhere.
::: Supposedly a completed post-Steamhammer album by THIS Axis band exists, recorded for Brain label. It would be cool to hear it while I'm living, rather than waiting for the angels to sing me the songs (or worse).
Recording Information ::: unknown mono tape (likely reel) recorder/microphone -> master mono tape -> unknown method digital transfer/possible tinkering -> 44.1/16bit lossless wavs.
Remastering 2021-06-xx ::: master mono tape wavs -> Audacity [normalisation to remove DC offset (NOT to normalize volume), no channel/phase alignment needed, fades, manual one-at-a-time glitch, bump, clap, pop, click, dropout & dullspot repairs, volume adjustments, +1.2 averaged pitch (speed) fix with single pass after frequency analysis & with CD pitch verification, with differential equalisation (to reduce bass distortion & fix high end, etc), with lite noise reduction to reduce hiss]-> CD Wave (track splits) -> flacs -> yr ears. (NOTE: After remastering with some cross channel patches, used ONLY the left channel of this mono recording as it had almost 1000kHz over the right, sounded better & stabilized the audio image.) Freed 2021-06-xx.
Line-up (unusual TRIO performance) ::: Martin Pugh - lead electric guitar // Stevie Davy - electric bass (vocals #07 starts singing&tape cuts) // Mick Bradley - drums.
Nothing here ever commercially released to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, please advise & I'll take the offending trax offline.
DimeTravel 822 ::: Thanks to the original taper for sharing his efforts, including photos&memorabilia! Thanks to DIMER propylaen for locating, obtaining & sharing the goods! Sincere thanks to whomever uploads this for me. ::: Corrections welcome ::: Unbelievable what turns up after FIFTY years... 5 steamhammer shows in 3 weeks & very cool to hear another German set with this unique trio lineup. Martin Pugh is definitely giving Peter Green a run for his money in the opening intrumental - some serious spacey guitar explorations. Have worked on so many tapes of this era lately that used auto level controls on the recording that it was a relief to work on one without it & have natural ebb&flow of levels. A superb band, in all their incarnations. Let's hope someone springs some more '69 era while our hearing is still working. Listen, enjoy, show appreciation, share, give, spread peace. Yrs truly, Knees
Support the artists and/or their families! (Martin Pugh's site seems to be no longer operating). All Steamhammer titles are still available & WELL worth acquiring. The Repertoire CD's are still floating, I think, so do yourself a favor & buy them & hope some of the royalities line the right pockets. Don't know where to start? If you don't own the first album (self-titled aka but not called "Reflection"), it is one of the mighty, and its two follow-ups are royally excellent as well.
Do whatever you want with it except sell it, 'cause that ain't cool!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Steamhammer1971-03-02StadthalleKarlsruheGermany (6).jpg
Steamhammer1971-03-02StadthalleKarlsruheGermany (7).jpg
Steamhammer1971-03-02StadthalleKarlsruheGermany (8).jpg
Steamhammer1971-03-02StadthalleKarlsruheGermany (9).jpg