Steel Drivers
Nov. 08, 2014
Riverhawk Music Festival
-Bluegrass Cafe stage-
Brooksville, FL
Early set:
Schoeps ccm41's (ORTF/f.o.b.- 20' from stage/stand @ 8'; 5' l.o.c.) > Apogee Mini-me > Sony PCM-M10
wavelab (edits, fades, & levels, 16-bit/44.1kHz) > cdwave > TLH (flac/8)
01. The Reckless Side of Me
02. Peace Maker
03. Good Corn Liquor
04. Long Way Down
05. I'll Be Hangin' Around
06. Burnin' the Woodshed Down
07. Canyon Run *
08. Hell on Wheels
09. If It Hadn't Been for Love
10. Angel of the Night
11. Drinkin' Dark Whiskey
* w/ Mitch Lind (fest promotor)- guitar and vocal
Late set:
SBD > Sony PCM-M10
wavelab (edits, fades, & levels, 16-bit/44.1kHz) > cdwave > TLH (flac/8)
01. To Be With You Again
02. Midnight Tears
03. Heaven Sent
04. Midnight Train to Memphis
05. Guitars, Whiskey, Guns, and Knives
06. If You Can't Be Good, Be Gone
07. banter...
08. Sticks Made Thunder
09. Hear the Willow Cry
10. band intros...
11. Ghosts of Mississippi
notes: - Late set scheduled for mainstage/bluesky stage was shut down in the evening due to rain;
acts were rescheduled in the pavilion/bluegrass cafe satge.
- #1 of 2 batteries for my Apogee had died and would not accept another charge,
so while charging the #2 battery I plugged out of soundboard for a few sets.