Steel Pulse
Sept. 15, 1988
Dean Smith Center
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Source: Sony ECM-909 Stereo mic > Sony D6 > TDK SD90 Cassette (Master)
Transfer: Cassette > Sony PCM-M10 (@24/96) > Audacity (Edits, Fades, Bass Boost +12db, Tracking, > 16/44 WAV) > T.L.H. (FLAC 8, FFP) > Torrent
(Setlist) (44:27)
01. Intro
02. Steppin' Out
03. ??
04. Blues Dance Raid
05. Save Black Music
06. State Of Emergency
07. Said You Was An Angel
08. Roller Skates
09. Soldiers
10. Let Freedom Ring
Another from my archives. This was the opening set for Bob Dylan and I thought then as well as now that it was a
great set. The crowd got more and more into as it went along. I had alomst all their albums at the time, so I was
really into it, for an opening act especially. This was the "State Of Emergency" tour for them. Sound is surprisingly
good after some EQ I think. There are 3-4 mic bumps and some very light crowd chatter here and there, but this is a
solid EX/Ex- to my ears. And there are so few Steel Pulse shows in circulation, this should be a welcome additon.
As a side note, they were staying in the same motel as me and my wife right across from a little courtyard and I
couldn't gather the strength to go party with 'em. Probably a bad play on my part !!
This is in honor of David "Grizzly" Nesbitt. March it Grizzly ! Sample below. Enjoy!