Steel Pulse
Mountain Winery
Saratoga, Ca
July 5, 2013
Recorded by Daspyknows
Recorded sction 1 Row 6
Schoeps MK4 w/NBox Tascam DR-2D 24 Bit 48K
Processed using Soundforge 10b, resample, to 16bit 44.1K
TLH to convert to Flac
Master 2013.16
No list posted, I'm leaving it to the experts.
Mountain Winery is a great venue with two big flaws. Getting there and getting
home. Traffic was hell going down, met my friend in San Mateo and got into lot
after doors opened. Show starts and four seats to my lft are open. Half way
through 2 couples show up and the guys talk business. WTF? some real fans would
have enjoyed the seats. Steel Pulse but on a great set, great sounding recording
but set was just not long enough. Oh, those jokers next to me left midway through
Ziggy Marley so last part of that center recorded from dead center. Only took 2
hours to get home this time.
Just the basic taper requests here and please no vitriol:
Don't be an ass by selling this or using it in a video that is sold
Don't modify the info file
Don't remaster and/or post on other sites that are not 100% free
If shared keep info file intact but create a second file with any changes
To those that
Don't convert to lossy formats except for personal use
Do support the artists