Steel Pulse
The Catalyst
Santa Cruz, Ca
May 24, 2014
Recorded by Daspyknows
Recorded DFC Appx 35 feet from stage
Schoeps MK4 w/NBox Tascam DR-2D 24 Bit 48K
Processed using Soundforge 11, resample, to 16bit 44.1K
TLH to convert to Flac
Master 2014.04
01. Intro
02. Blues Dance Raid
03. Rally Round
04. Life Without Music
05. Chant A Psalm
06. Not King James Version
07. A Who Responsible
08. Black And Proud
09. Drug Squad
10. Rock Steady
11. Steppin Out
12. Crowd
13. Franklin's Tower (Grateful Dead cover)
14. Don't Be Afraid
15. Put Your Hoodies On
16. ???
17. Whirlwind Romance
I wanted to go to the California Roots and Reggae festival but could not find any takers. I wanted
to see Steel Pulse, Ziggy Marley and some others. Too much to camp and tape 3 days solo so I decided
to drive to Santa Cruz to see Steel Pulse solo. I reached out to a few fews and connected up with
friends I hadn't seen for 20 years and accepted the offer from fellow taper Wilson66 to stay over after
the show. First time at the Catalyst and I like how they keep the drunks in a pen since its 16 and over.
Floor area was crowded but not too bad. At one point you can hear a girl complaining because I wouldn't
move forward. She has her bck and ass facing the stage and is pushing me. Sorry, I'm in the sweet spot
and I wasn't moving. Smokin set mby Steel Pulse and two solid opening acts.
Just the basic taper requests here and please no vitriol:
Don't be an ass by selling this or using it in a video that is sold
Don't modify the info file
Don't remaster and/or post on other sites that are not 100% free
If shared keep info file intact but create a second file with any changes
Don't convert to lossy formats except for personal use
Do support the artists