Steel Pulse w/ Al Anderson
The Ritz Theatre, New York. 1982-xx-xx. 3rd Night.
WBAI broadcast 99.5 FM (Labrish/Habte Selassie at the controls)
Source: WBAI > Maxell UD XL II C 90 > Kenwood W4040 > Xitel Inport > Hard Drive > Wav ( PCM 1411
kbps, 16 bit stereo, 44 KHz ) > Flac 8.
My all time favorite Steel Pulse Ritz show, though only 5 tracks from it ... featuring Al Anderson. Definitely
a SBD recording broadcats by Habte Selassie during a Labrish program from late April 1984. Wonderful
sound. David Hinds remarks on Ravers that they been there for three nights (unless this was a 4th !), and
the only mention of a date is in Habte's outro comments: Steel Pulse, The Ritz, 1982. Glad for that at least.
Enjoy ! and thanks eternally to Habte Selassie for decades of work.
01 Drug Squad 5:37
02 Blues Dance Raid 7:25
03 Ku Klux Klan 5:08
04 Man No Sober 6:53
05 Ravers 9:15
06 Habte outo 1:31
Total: 35:49
TheLibrarian 2010-07-09.