The Steepwater Band
Harlem Ave. Lounge
Berwyn, IL
December 18, 2009
Source: post-mix of: (2) Shure KSM32 (FOB [Front of Bar], DFC, 10' from stage, 6' high) > Sound Devices 722 (24/48 w/ 40 Hz roll-off @ 24 dB/oct.)
Shure VP-88 (M/S mic set to "wide" stereo output, DFC on stage lip, 2' high) > Korg MR-1 (24/48)
Transfer: 2 recordings mixed in Logic Pro > Audiogate (dither/re-sample to 16/44.1, tracking) > xACT (flac 8 w/ SBA & tags)
Recorded & transferred by taperjoe & taperj (who was running the MR-1 for me). Mixed by taperjoe.
Set 1:
1. Intro
2. Fire Away
3. Varoomp!
4. Roadblock
5. You Don't Love Me
6. Grace And Melody
7. She's Nineteen Years Old
8. Politician
9. My Back Pocket
10. Bottle Of Red Wine
11. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
12. Healer
13. Baby, You're On Your Own
Set 2:
1. Intro
2. What's This?
3. Goin' Down Slow
4. The Stars Look Good Tonight
5. Jammin' Down Southern
6. Lord Knows
7. Crossroads
8. At The Fall Of The Day
9. Two Mules And A Rainbow
10. World Keeps Moving On
Set 3:
1. Intro
2. Key To The Highway
3. Send Me Your Pillow
4. Collision
5. Steel Sky
6. You're So Rude
7. Dead Horse
8. Wheel
9. Done Somebody Wrong
Jeff Massey - guitar & vocals
Todd Bowers - bass (vocals on You're So Rude)
Joe Winters - drums
A killer marathon show! Thanks to taperj for use of the top of his mic stand on stage, for running the MR-1, & for some setlist help. Thanks also to shmc for setlist help & for convincing me to get hip to this wicked band!
Notes: The timing on the 2 recordings was slightly off, so the stage recording was chopped into pieces & re-assembled to keep the drift from being noticeable. In set 1 the MR-1 was set to mic level input & this proved to be the wrong choice. The recording is useable, but it's VERY compressed/limited compared to the other 2 sets (when it was set to line in). You may notice this but it isn't bad at all.
Crank it up!!