Steve Howe
5 Towns Music college
Dix Hills, New York, USA
18 May 1996
'Long Island Guitar Show' with Larry Acunto, Jimmy Acunto, Ray Matusa
01 Introduction 0:50
02 Second Initial 3:21
03 Sweet Thunder 2:25
04 Clap 3:48
05 Steve talking 2:39
06 America (instrumental) 7:51
07 Steve talking 0:36
08 Every Time I Look over my Shoulder 5:04
09 Jam 3:29
10 Nous Sommes Du Soleil 2:08
11 Ritual excerpt (instrumental) 4:35
12 Steve talking 0:37
13 Break Away from it All 5:47
14 encore break applause 1:04
15 Roundabout 3:45
16 Outroduction 0:35
TDK SA High Bias cassette > Sony cassette deck TC-WE305 (Dolby off) > Audacity > Wave > CD Wave Editor/Audacity > edit tracks > TLH > Flac (level 8)
raygun888 sent me his cassette collection of Yes related music & interviews.
This torrent is installment twenty-two.
June 2014