steve kimock & friends
07 october 2022
cat's creadle
carrboro, nc

location: fob, dfc, about 1/4 of the way between foh and stage; on stand approx. 7'2"

source: neumann u89i (wide cards, 23 cm, 90 degrees) -> millenia hv-32p -> sd mixpre 10ii
recorded & seeded @ 96 kHz, 24 bit

transfer: mixpre 10ii -> usb c -> alienware x14 laptop

edits: channel channels summed, fades added, normalized, dithered, track split and flac'd in
magix sound forge pro audio studio 16.1; flac files tagged using foobar2000

taped by: team no drama

contact with questions, concerns, or complaints

192 kHz 24 bit files available upon request

set I:

01. opening banter
02. tangled hangers
03. better git it in your soul
04. nana's chalk pipe
05. crazy fingers
06. thing one
07. tongue n groove

set II:

01. philadelphia mambo ->
02. whiping post
03. five b4 funk
04. mother's song
05. parting banter