Steve Miller Band
Rainbow Theatre Finsbury Park London.
either February 25th or 26th 1972
ist gen from master .
recorded by Bob C.
As far as i can tell this tape isnt around in many (collections, I received it many years ago in a trade when i was collecting Bath festival tapes, from the taper. . This took several days of hard work to clean up, listening to it over and over on reference cans , bringing up guitar, lowering vocals, removing noises , hum and hiss, its still not stellar quality, but its now acceptable quality, and it does contain some great guitar playing.
acoustic set
Motherless Children ( originally there was lots of mic noise as taper fiddles with levels from start up to 1.45 ) Ive removed the vast majority of it.
Trying to find a Home
In Your Heart
Nothing Lasts
Going to the Country
Journey from Eden
Electric set
Echoplex feedback intro blues 1
Unidentified biues 2 > Blues With A Feeling
tape flip
Space Cowboy>Living in the U.S.A.> Blues jam >Living in the U.S.A
probably a tape flip
unknown acoustic number
Industrial Military Complex Hex
Unidentified song > Band intros >
The Gangster of Love
Gonna Buy Me a Mercury>Crossroads.
Steve Miller guitar vocals.
Dickie Thompson - keyboards
Gerald Johnson bass, vocals
? percussion/drums
John King - drums (this is the double drum lineup featured on Beatclub from this era, no idea who the other drummer was)
Lineage I have no idea which night this is, i found a review from one night, but the date wasn't identified , it did however confirm that there were two drummers in this lineup.
I'm pretty sure the taper was Bob C the guy who recorded many of the 1970 Bath festival sets , smuggling in a full reel to reel rig and mic.
I doubt he dragged a reel to the Rainbow, dunno what gear he used here, but he must have had a hell of a time with levels , as guitars in the acoustic set are very quiet, but Millers vocal are quite loud, so there are quite a few mic noises as Bob tries to get the volume right. it took me three attempts to digitise the start of this tape as the levels were all over the place in the first 29 minutes. The audience is however, very quiet and appreciative.
I had to apply all sorts of fixes to even get the first track listenable. I cut out a second or two of Mic noise as it was quite jarring. Later on in the set, I also decided to cut out a short section where apparently Steve talked off mic during Gangster of love, in order to make it audible, the hiss level became unbearable. its better off not being there.
the electric set is better quality, as its much louder this is a bit of an issue for the first track , which is a bit muddy.
The electric set starts super loud but the taper gets to the volume adjustment pretty quickly so there only a few seconds where the levels are too loud. The playing on the electric set is excellent, especially during Blues with a feeling, the sound is best here and it lasts for around 11 minutes, I can recommend getting this show just for this track alone. Steve really gets some top blues guitar going throughout the show, he did a lot of jamming.
Overall the sound is better after the first two electric numbers , probably the house mix improved on the night.
After remixing, this sounds quite good for the era and to my knowledge its not been circulated. .
ist gen copy from the master tape. unknown equipment , dubbed to Sony Chrome CDit 11 by taper
Marantz SD 415 DECK> Mac pro 5.1 > Adobe audition 5.5 > remove/lower applause > improve sound by minor multi band compression that varied for each track> numerous volume adjustments, noise removal, hum removal ( amp was humming onstage) , hiss removal during acoustic set , left channel amplified about 3db >XACT ( LEVEL 8 )
transferred , edit by gods golfball
don�t sell or distribute for trade in Mp3 format .Buy the artists offical products to support them.
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