Steve Winwood
The Theater at(Meadows Music Theater, NE Dodge Theater, or whatever they're calling it this week!)
Hartford, CT
August 24, 2013
opening for the Allman Brothers Band
Lineage: Sound Professionals SP-TFB-2 in ear binaurals > ZoomH2 > Tracks split using Sound Studio > to FLAC using xACT
Recording Location: Row BBB of the 800 section..In other words, about as far back as you can be without being on the lawn. Also pretty far to the left of the stage. On the bright side, there are no seats in front of me, an aisle on my right, an empty seat to my left and a quiet couple behind me. The result is actually pretty good.
Artwork included
01 Rainmaker
02 I'm a Man
03 Can't Find My Way Home
04 Had To Cry Today
05 The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys
06 Light Up or Leave Me Alone
07 Higher Love
08 Dear Mr. Fantasy
09 Gimme Some Lovin'
Winwood did a short but sweet set (about 70 minutes). Heavily skewed toward older material, which was fine with me. A quiet recording but there are no loud clappers or talkers near me to overwhelm it. Once again, my recording experience was saved by the fact that I had a ton of crap in my pockets. Security was doing a pat-down on the way in. Usually I don't have any problem with these, but this time the woman put her hand right on my recorder and asked "what's this?" ALWAYS HAVE AN ASSORTMENT OF OTHER JUNK IN YOU POCKET TO PULL OUT IN CASE THIS HAPPENS!! After I showed her my cell phone, car keys and a wad of paper towels, she was happy and sent me on my way. Before anyone asks me about the Allman Brothers set, I didn't record it. If you want it, go to their website and buy it. Their recording is much better than anything I could have made. It's worth the money. They played a great set. Also, they aren't allowed on this site anyway!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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