Stevie Ray Vaughan
Harlings Upstairs
Kansas City MO
July 4th 1981
Stevie Ray Vaughan, Guitar Vocals
Chris Layton, Drums
Tommy Shannon, Bass
SONY CF-580 BOOMBOX (best guess) > DAK SA90 cassette tape > cleaned and demagnitzed (each tape) Nakamichi 680Zx > Realtk HD sound card > Sound Forge > > Izotope RX3 noise reduction > Adobe Audition > Izotope Ozone 5 > Flac Frontend Level 8 > Dime
Tape 1 (Side A)
01) Hideaway
is a house-music song by De'Lacy that charted at number 9 in the UK Singles Chart during 1995
02) In the Open
Sonny Thompson/Freddie King
03) The Sky Is Crying
written and recorded by Elmore James in 1959
04) Tell Me
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
05) Crosscut Saw
Albert King
06) Love Struck Baby (CUTS)
Lyrics by Stevie Ray Vaughan
Tape 1 (Side B)
07) Close to You
by Muddy Waters
08) May I Have a Talk With You
Howlin' Wolf
09) Done Lost Your Good Thing Now
by B.B. King
10) My Baby's Gone
is a song written by Dennis Linde, and recorded by American country music group Sawyer Brown
11) Wham
Lonnie Mack
TT 01 tape 55:57
Tape 2 (Side A)
01) Collins Shuffle
by Albert Collins
02) Come On/Let The Good Times Roll
"Come On", also known as "Let the Good Times Roll" is a song written and first performed by New Orleans R&B artist Earl King. Jimi Hendrix introduced it to wider audience with his over in 1968.
03) Look at Little Sister
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
04) Thunderbird
by The Nightcaps
05) Tin Pan Alley (aka Roughest Place in Town)
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
Tape 2 (Side B)
06) I'm Crying
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
07) You'll Be Mine
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
08) Little Wing
written by Jimi Hendrix
09) Drivin' South and Third Stone from the Sun
by Jimi Hendrix
TT 02 tape 56:54
Tape 3 (Side A)
01) Alberts Alley and a little "Frosty"
by Albert Collins
02) Shake for Me
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
03) Letter to My Girlfriend
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
04) They Call Me Guitar Hurricane
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
05) Texas Flood
(sometimes called "Stormin'in Texas" or "Flood Down in Texas") is a blues song recorded by Larry Davis in 1958
06) Love in Vain(CUTS)
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
Tape 3 (Side B)
07) All Your Love (I Miss Loving)
written and recorded in 1958 by Chicago blues guitarist Otis Rush
08) Manic Depression
by Jimi Hendrix
09) I'm Leaving You (Commit a Crime)
Howlin' Wolf
TT 03 tape 54:40
TT 166:51
Note 1: I know there are other copies of this show available through the internet. I recorded this show 31 years ago with my Sony Boombox. This is the first time these tapes have been digitized from the master tapes. I'm sure 30+ years ago I shared my tapes with a handful of friends and that base grew. I'm glad the music lives on.
Note 2: This recording was made 31 years ago and I do not remember why I started the tape after the band started. At one point in the tape I hear myself talking to someone about the batteries. I around 25 years old at the time and didn't have much money for extra tapes (hence the cheap DAK tapes), batteries, tickets and any photos taken at the time. Long way of saying that I might have been trying to save tape or battery life. Anyone's guess at this time.
Note 3: Before digitizing these tapes I do go through a process of running the tapes through a fast forward and rewind to "tighten" the tape. It has been 30+ years since last played. All three of these tapes broke from the leader tape (on both sides A and B). I did lose 1 or 2 seconds at the start of A and B sides. I did not go through the KRW_CO and splice any loss. I'll leave that for someone else.
Note 4: This is the order the songs were played and listed are the musicians that played that night. Stevie does give the band line up during the sets.
Note 5: Thanks to JimmyP9 who named Albert's Alley from his comments on KRW_CO upload:
Track 06. is "Alberts Alley" ish & a little "Frosty" etc.
He babbles its a bunch of Albert Collins at the end
Mike Adams 03/02/2014
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
StevieRayVaughanAndDoubleTrouble1981-07-04HarlingsUpstairsKansasCityMO (9).jpg