EON FM Radio Broadcast 03/1984

Hello folks,
apologize me for the last interwiews I posted with my old nickname: coccamona!
I stop to seed the old files for copyright problem... my mistake..sorry....
I will re-seed them after a purge of copy material inside.
I'm returned whit this new interview (I hope to respect the dozen rules!) with Sting and Stewart made by Eon Fm in Australia 03/ 1984 last part of Syncronicity world tour.
Sting talking about solo project.
I got this tape in 1985.
Lenght time: 27 min 55 sec
Size: 141MB
Quality: 9
Lineage: FM>TDKCassette 1Ągen>Teac 9000>soundcard focusrite with monster cable>soundstudio>coverted on flac with Xact.
no DC-offset, no normalize, as is it.
good listening

more coming...