Stone Temple Pilots
Tiny Music...Tour San Jose California
Live at the Pavillion (Shark Tank)
Saturday November 9, 1996
Disc I
1. Pop's Love Suicide
2. Crackerman
3. Meat Plow
4. Tumble in the Rough
5. Vasoline
6. Still Remains
7. Silver Gun Superman
8. Wicked Garden
**Acoustic set**
9. Daisy
10.Dancing Days
12.Pretty Penny
13.And so I Know
14.Seven Caged Tigers
**end acoustic**
15.Seven Caged Tigers (instr reprise)
16.Trippin on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Disc 2
1. Piece of Pie
2. Big Empty
3. Interstate Love Song
4. Lounge Fly
5. Lady Picture Show
6. Pig Fuckin'
7. Unglued
8. Big Bang Baby
9. Dead and Bloated
10.Sex Type Thing
Recording info:
Sony ECM-727p -> Sony TCD-D7 (MasterDAT 180M DAT)
Hearing Impared Feed->DAT->CD
The gent that did the mix did not give me any details about percentages of each source.
This was done by the same gent that made the Who Matrix I recently posted from the Shark Tank 96 show.
CD->CDRWIN->Flac Front End level 8->you
Here is another of my master tapes mixed with a hearing impaired feed recording. The sound is very nice and well balanced and is a treat to listen to.
Including ther ticket stub and artwork for reference, Enjoy!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: