ProgDay 2019 (25th Annual)
Day 1, Band 2 - Strange Changes
Saturday, Aug 31st, 2019 ~12:45pm - 2:15pm
Storybook Farm, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Tom Dowd - guitar, vocals
Evan Waaramaa- keyboards
Greg Toro - bass
Steve Wilkinson - drums
Joe Brogan - trumpet
Sam Crawford - guitar
1. soundcheck excerpt (2:12)
2. A Genesis (world premiere) (10:26)
3. American Sausage (11:12)
4. song 3 (title?) (10:28)
5. Rock Lobster (B-52s) (6:28)
6. song 5 (title?) (6:34)
7. Dillinger Escape Plan cover (7:26)
8. Dinosaur Gravy (10:25)
9. song 8 (title?) (9:12)
10. Evil Genius -> (12:18)
Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears)
11. song 11 & band intros (10:13)
Total Time: 96:52 (1 hour, 36 min, 52 sec)
Tascam DP-004 digital recorder using built-in microphones -> WAV ->
Cool Edit '96 (filtering & track split) -> FLAC Frontend -> flac files
I'm about 90% sure that this was accidentally recorded using the digital
recorder's built-in microphones instead of the two external mics that I
usually record with at Storybook Farm. The recording came out extremely
bass heavy, and the left channel was much louder than the right, which
would make sense because I had the recorder sitting sideways so I could
read the screen (which usually makes no difference when recording with
the external mics). I forgot that when the recorder is turned off between
bands, it defaults the input settings back to the internal mics. The good
news is that I was able to filter a lot of the swamped low end and fix the
balance with Cool Edit and ended up with a fairly listenable recording.
This band was all over the map musically, with kind of surreal and snarky
lyrics to match. I heard that they usually have a bigger horn section,
but only the trumpet player could make the ProgDay show. They played a
couple interesting covers, including what should have been a highlight of
the set - their song Evil Genius contains the line "Everybody wants to
rule the world", so they segued into that Tears for Fears song right at
that line. Unfortunately, right around that time the keyboard cut out
and it took the sound crew a while to get it fixed, which pretty much
ruined the cover. Oh well.
Any help filling in the holes in the setlist would be appreciated. The
band played some new songs that aren't on their existing albums and
unfortunately didn't announce titles for them.
Strange Changes on the web:
About ProgDay:
ProgDay is an outdoor festival of progressive rock that has
been held annually since 1995. In 1996 it was expanded from
one day to two and has been featuring anywhere from eight to
eleven progressive rock bands each year since, with a few more
bands usually hosting related Thursday, Friday or Saturday night
events at nearby venues. It's definitely worth the trip if
you're a prog fan and don't mind a little heat and humidity
and a little driving around. I first went in 1997 and had
such a great time that I've been back every year since.
The main event takes place at beautiful Storybook Farm,
unless rain forces it indoors (which has fortunately only
happened a couple times in the festival's history). It's
a relaxed atmosphere, where you can listen and watch from
anywhere you want - if you really like a particular band,
you can sit right up against the stage (if you get there
early enough to claim the space). Some people listen
to the bands while shopping for CDs and merchandise in the
vendor tent or getting food in the pavilion or playing
frisbee in the field behind the audience or just sharing
a beer or two with friends.
The people are friendly, and the band members often hang out
all weekend taking in the show, selling merchandise and
chatting with fans when they're not on stage. If you're a
prog rock fan and can possibly attend, make every effort to
If you'd like to make a donation via PayPal to help keep
the festival afloat (and ensure more of these ProgDay torrents
in the future), please visit:
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
StrangeChanges2019-08-31ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (9).jpg