2018/05/27 - The Anthem; Washington DC, USA
Source: CA-14's (Omnis) > Church Audio ST-9100 > Edirol R09-HR @ 24/96
Location: (Stealth)
Editing: Tracking, fades, gentle EQ were performed while the show was laid in Sony Soundforge 10.0a (Build 425) as a wav file. Normalization performed on each channel independently to -0.10dB. Periodic loud points were enveloped slightly to allow for more headroom in Normalization.
Conversion: Trader's Little Helper v.2.7.0 (Build 172)
01. Intro 00:23
02. Welcome to Earth (Pollywog) 03:50
03. It Ain't All Flowers 07:03
04. Breakers Roar 06:42
05. The Promise * 04:22
06. Some Days 06:53
07. Turtles All the Way Down 03:57
08. Keep It Between the Lines 07:00
09. You Don't Miss Your Water % 05:06
10. Brace for Impact (Live a Little) 13:47
11. All Around You 03:43
12. Going Down # 04:06
13. Call to Arms 10:14
* Originally performed by When in Rome
% Originally performed by William Bell
# Originally performed by Freddie King
Willie Nelson headlined this show which also featured Chris Jacobs opening. I am familiar with Baltimore-native Jacobs, but was entirely unfamiliar with Simpson and attended primarily to see Willie. All the same, I recorded all three sets.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: