Sugar Ray
August 25th, 2024.
Columbus Bicentennial Pavilion @ Columbus Commons -
Columbus, OH.
Taper: Charles Dewey Cole, IV <>
Location: 40yards FOB DFC; mics mounted on baseball hat brim.
Source: CA-14 Cardioids > CA-9200 > Sony PCM-A10 (24 bit @48kHz) >
Adobe Audition 3.0 (dithered to 16 bit @44.1kHz) > Cd Wave > FLAC
Conversion: Charles Dewey Cole, IV <>
Equipment: Sony PCM-A10 > (USB) @ 48kHz > Cd Wave
*** Common Ground Concert Series ***
Total Time: (1:02:04)
01. McGrath's Intro 1:27
02. Words To Me 3:59
03. McGrath DOTM #1 2:02
04. Every Morning 3:58
05. McGrath DOTM #2 2:06
06. Into Yesterday 3:52
07. McGrath DOTM #3 3:29
08. Someday 4:48
09. McGrath DOTM #4 1:21
10. Answer The Phone 5:47
11. McGrath DOTM #5 1:54
12. Blister In The Sun * 6:11
13. McGrath DOTM #6 1:23
14. Highest Tree 3:26
15. McGrath DOTM #7 4:29
16. When It's Over 3:47
17. McGrath DOTM #8 1:56
18. Fly 6:10
* Originally Recorded By The Violent Femmes.
DOTM denotes McGrath's "diarrhea of the mouth".
I really hope fans of this band find this torrent/recording and enjoy it.
The only reason why I say that is because having to listen to Mark McGrath
felicitate himself for nearly HALF of the performance time was absolutely
insufferable. NO ONE should have to listen to this guy (who thinks hes a
DJ/game show host) while the band is essentially the background to his act.
Im dead serious. I see a lot of shows, Ive seen David Lee Roth, this was
nothing like that. At least with DLR, he kept his bits to a minimum & they
went back into another song. McGrath talks just to hear himself talk and
judging from his frosted tips (which he makes mention of) and the fact he
can remember when and where all of his singles charted is kind of scary.
Is he THAT obsessed with himself? He also made sure to bring up that all
of the women in the audience probably had him on their walls in 1999.
Absolutely unbelievable behavior from this guy who was paid to sing and
only did so for half the set. They could have easily played a 14 or 15
song set, but instead we got 9 songs, 1 being a cover Sugar Ray had no
business covering. During that cover of "BITS" the band "froze" and held
their positions for over 3 minutes (Im not kidding) while Mark spouted
off more even more bullshit. If you like Sugar Ray (and Mark McGrath),
you may enjoy this recording, they were mixed the best of all 3 bands that
day, so the songs DO sound good when they played them. I generally do not
track stage banter, but these "DOTM" tracks are so brutal, I wanted to
make it easy to skip over or avoid completely.
Set totals! McGrath banter came in at 23+ minutes, actual music came in
at just 38 minutes. Fuck this guy.
Lit and Tonic were also on the bill. [all recorded].
For more information on Sugar Ray, please visit:
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
SugarRay2024-08-25ColumbusCommonsOH (7).jpg
SugarRay2024-08-25ColumbusCommonsOH (8).jpg
SugarRay2024-08-25ColumbusCommonsOH (9).jpg