Sugar Ray Norcia and the Bluetones feat Monster Mike Welch, Tournon-France l'Abescat, 1st of june 2013, SM aud master
Monster Mike sang some Otis Rush and played a lot.
Recorded from the tables 3d row, facing right PA with :
2 x AT 831 mics connected to 2 x AT 8531 power modules, XLR cables to ZOOM H4n (24/48).
Downsampled 16/44 wav tracks to PC (USB), Audacity (volume, a bit of EQ, tracks), FLAC (TLH).
Sugar Ray Norcia : Harmonica & vocals
Monster Mike Welch : Guitar & vocals
Anthony Geraci : Piano
Mudcat Ward : Bass
Neil Gouvin : Drums
Setlist attempt :
01 Intro
03 Band introduction
06 You got me wrong
07 Say you love me
09 Piano oogie
10 Double trouble
11 Good looking woman ?
12 The rocker - set outro
13 Announce
14 Intro set
15 All night long
17 Blues got knockin' at my door ?
18 You know my love ? (last seconds missing)
19 Instrumental
20 Blueberry Hill
21 Sail on
22 Pretty baby child ?
23 In my younger days
24 Little Walter instrumental
25 Piano Instrumental
27 Audience
Samples in comments.
Pictures added.
Ul by letsgo on june 2013
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (19).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (2).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (20).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (3).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (4).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (5).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (6).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (7).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (8).JPG
SugarRayNorciaMonstarMikeWelch2013-06-01LAbescatTournonFrance (9).JPG