Sun Ra and the Arkestra
Red Garter Club, NYC
xx xx 1970
Aud. Reel master - cass. 1 - DAT(this) - CDR - Flac - world

Sun Ra-org,synth,rocksichord,voc
Kwame Hadi-tp,perc
Akh Tal Ebah-tp,perc
Marshall Allen-as,fl,perc
Danny Davis-as,acl,fl,perc
John Gilmore-ts,perc
Pat Patrick-bs,perc
Danny Ray Thompson-bs,fl,perc
Eloe Omoe-bcl,perc
Alan Silva-cel
Alex Blake-b
prob. William Brister (Rashid Salim)-d
prob. Lex Humphries-d

unidentified title
Love in Outer Space (Ra)
unidentified title
unidentified title (Ra)
Another Jackass Gonna Take Your Place (Ra)
unidentified title
Somewhere Else (Ra)
Sometimes I'm Happy (Caesar/Youmans)
Pleasant Twilight (Ra)