Sun Ra SUNY-Binghamton 1987-12-06.torrent
Sun Ra and his Intergalactic Cosmic Love Dance Arkestra
Nelson Mandela Room
Vestal, NY
Source: sad
Lineage: SBD>Cassette>CD>Wav>xAct>FLAC
Time: 93min
Quality: A-
Style: Jazz
Tracklist and personnel courtesy of the Sun Ra Tapeography by Robert Campbell (1st edition)
1st set:
1. unidentified fanfare
2. The Sun Is In the Heavens (Ra) (Tyson, voc)
3. Discipline 27-II (Ra)
4. This World Is Not My Home / Angel Race / I'll Wait For You) (Ra & ens voc; prob. Davis, as)
5. I Dream Too Much (Kern) (Ra - voc)
6. untitled improvisation (Ra "conducting"; Allen, as ; Omoe, bcl, Abdullah, tp; prob. Smith, d ; Gilmore, ts ; Billy Bang, vln)
7. Back Alley Blues (Ra) (good solo by Gilmore, ts; also Williams, bs; Bang, van)
8. Slumming on Park Avenue (Berlin) (Tyson, Jacson, Ra, prob. Ray and ens voc)
9. Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington) (Allen, as/)
10.'S Wonderful (Gershwin) (Ray, voc; Ra, p; Hill, tb; Gilmore, good ts solo)
11. Love in Outer Space (Ra) (prob. Abdullah, voc; Abdullah says the male vocalists were himself, Ray, and Gilmore)
12. Space Is the Place (Ra) (Tyson, voc; Williams, b; ens. voc.; Ra, syn; Ra, p; Ra and ens. voc.) We Travel The Spaceways / Outer Spaceways, Inc. / Journey to Saturn / Saturn Rings / Rocket #9 / Second Stop Is Jupiter / We Travel the Spaceways (Ra) (Ra and ensemble voc.; not the original tunes)
2nd set:
13. untitled improvisation (Jacson, Infinity Drum; Abdullah, tp (spectacular!); Ore, b; Gilmore, c)
14. Yeah, Man! (Sissle-Henderson) (Ra, p; Gilmore, cl; Ray, tp; Gilmore, ts)
15. Mood Indigo (Tio-Bigard-Ellington-Mills) (Ra, p (Garnerish); Patrick, as; Ra, p and keyb)
16. Over the Rainbow (Duke-Harburg) (short version, piano solo)
17. I Want to Be Happy (cuts off) (Ra, Jacson, Tyson, Ray, voc; Ra, p; Bang, vln; Patrick, as; Ra, p; ensemble voc. with Tyson; Ra, voc)
2nd set encore:
18. Mack the Knife (Brecht-Weill-Blitzstein) (Ra, p; Jacson, voc; Allen, as; Patrick, as; Gilmore, cl (great solo); Ra, p; Ra, voc; band marches through audience)
Personnel: Sun Ra and his Intergalactic Cosmic Love Dance Arkestra: Sun Ra-p, keyb, voc; Michael Ray-tp, voc; Ahmed Abdullah-tp, voc; Tyrone Hill-tb, voc; Marshall Allen-as, cl, fl; Danny Davis-as; Pat Patrick-as; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timbales; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl; Kenny Williams-bs; James Jacson-bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum, voc; Billy Bang-vln; prob. Owen Brown Jr.-vln; prob. John Ore-b; Buster Smith-d; unidentified-perc; June Tyson-voc.
Notes: Another show that I had the pleasure of attending. Was surprised that they had two violinists, especially Billy Bang. The second violinist came from Temple University and just joined the band. It is also believed that this was one of Danny Davis' last concerts. Sun Ra did a soundcheck just on the piano for around 45 minutes. Played every standard you could think of. Unfortunately, the soundcheck wasn't taped.