Sun Ra Arkestra
Vejlby Risskov Hallen, Aarhus, Denmark
AUD > ? > cdr in trade > EAC > flac
Disc 1: (1h 19m 35s)
1. Theme of the Stargazers (Ra)
2. Discipline 2 (RA)
3. Enlightenment (Dotson-Ra)
4. Love In Outer Space (RA)
5. Shadow World (Ra)
6. Discipline ? (RA)
7. Space Is The Place (Ra)
Disc 2: (0h 15m 01s)
1. Watusi (Pitts-Sherrill)
The Arkestra:
SUN RA-p - org, Mini-Moog syn;
Kwame Hadi- tp;
Akh Tal Ebah - tp, flg;
Al Batin Nur (Augustus Browning) - English horn;
Marshall Allen - as, fl, ob;
Danny Davis - as, fl;
Larry Northington - as;
Istar Sundance - as;
John Gilmore - ts, perc;
Hakim Rahim - bs;
Danny Ray Thompson - bs, fl;
Pat Patrick - bs, fl;
Eloe Omoe - bcl;
Billy Morrow - vib;
Clifford Jarvis - d
Lex Humphries - d;
Tommy Hunter - d, perc;
Aralamon Hazoume - perc, balafon, dance;
Nimrod Hunt - perc;
Ken Moshesh - cga;
Art Jenkins - space voc, voc, cga, perc
June Tyson - voc.
Wisteria el Moondew (Judith Holton) - dance
Cheryl Banks - dance
Presumably Richard Wilkinson, light show.