Sun Ra Arkestra - 1985-10-21 Avreeayl's tape 'Z',unknown venue (speed adjusted)
Sun Ra Arkestra
Avreeayl's tape 'Z',unknown venue (speed adjusted) 1985-10-21
FOLDER 1 (111:43)
01 unidentified fragment....................(0:43)
02 unidentified blues piano.................(1:26)
03 Blue Lou.................................(6:21)
04 East Of The Sun..........................(4:44)
05 Christopher Columbus + Mack The Knife...(11:41)
06 untitled improvisation..................(16:20)
07 Sunology aka The Lion Of The Heavens + untitled
08 untitled improvisation...................(4:37)
09 Over The Rainbow (CUT)...................(3:45)
10 Prelude To A Kiss........................(5:39)
11 Sophisticated Lady.......................(6:45)
12 If The People Of Earth Don't Really Care.(8:10)
13 unidentified blues......................(20:46)
14 Sunset On The Nile.......................(9:25)
15 I Want To Be Happy (CUT).................(5:19)
(1985-10-26 gig members for a sample of folks of the time)
Sun Ra (p)
Ronnie Brown (tp)
Tyrone Hill (tb)
Marshall Allen (as,fl,ob,perc)
John Gilmore (ts,cl,d,voc)
Ronald Wilson (ts,perc)
Danny Ray Thompson (bs,fl, as,perc)
Eloe Omoe (bcl, cacl,as, perc)
James Jacson (bsn,fl,d,voc)
Bruce Edwards (eg)
John Ore (b)
Rollo Radford (eb)
Avreeayl Amen Ra (d)
June Tyson (voc, dance)
Myriam Broche (dance)
unidentified (flg)
unidentified male (voc)
carville lineage:
Avreeayl's tape
recorded on the bandstand - master cassette
cassette>tascam 122 mkII>cdwav>flac
jschmoe lineage:
FLAC > TLH v2.4.1 > WAV > Cool Edit 2000 > TLH v2.4.1 > FLAC > DIME > you
The original FLAC content remains intact here, save for the speed adjustments.
After that, I just broke things down by track & added titles / FLAC'ed em up.
1985-10-19 Avreeayl's tape 'Y',unknown venue (speed adjusted)
1985-10-21 Avreeayl's tape 'Z',unknown venue (speed adjusted)
two gigs with known dates, but because of their "severe speed problems (batteries dying)", skipped over
I just called then Y and Z, as in "YouneverthoughtwecouldenjoydeezZ" + to fit them at the end
carville said he had these beasties, & offered them out there for sharing, if anyone wanted to take a crack at giving them help
I took up the offer, & these shares are the result of attempting to help
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Cool Edit 2000
Stretch / Constant Stretch / High Precision / Resample (preservers neither pitch or tempo)
(these settings match pre-sets for Double Speed, where they use #s less than 100 to speed up, & I used #s greater than 100 to slow down)
Before settling on the above, I tested out the other stretch options, & this was the best sounding method for this case
changed the ratio of stretch at different points in the recording, for different amounts, to 'try to bring it closer to true'
each change was applied 'from that point on, thru to the end', and the process was repeated many times over the course of each tape side
out of 2 concerts / 4 tape sides, there was only one spot where it was super-obvious 'you need to fix here', it was mostly very subtle
the changes were also very subtle, save for the beginning to get the entire WAV to 'a new baseline' from which to work forward
nothing else besides this Stretch was done to the source WAV's, the levels were all how they were originally
the WAV was kept intact thru it all, so at the end it could have leading and trailing blank time removed & be broken apart by song
finished the filesets for both of these 2021-03-28
I don't pretend to have this '100% end to end', but it's at least more listenable than the Alvin and the Chipmunks :P it used to be
some samples are included, from sections near the ends of each tape side, so you can hear how bad it had gotten
it seems like 1985-10-21's speed starts, about as 'off' as 1985-10-19 ended, possibly the same set'o'bad batteries was used for both
the only thing good about the whole 'batteries slowly dying' scenario, is that if you can fix it, there's MORE music in there :)
yer 45-46min tape may really have a lot more music than that on it, if the batteries really got bad
* 1985-10-19 - now 87 vs about 76 before
* 1985-10-21 - now 112 vs about 84 before
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specific stuff:
the 1985-10-19 is a notch lower in quality, mic is maybe partly obstructed in some spots, but wow the crowd is very participatory
the A-to-B tape flip was after track 07
the 1985-10-21 is a better tape of the two, the switch from CC to Mack seems on a whim :P & this one really hits a groove
this one is my fave of the two, feels like it also turned out bettter
the A-to-B tape flip was after track 08
this tape also has fragments besides tape flips, which i kept intact, putting separations there:
* from 01-02, from 05-06 (likely between sets), from 14-15
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a last comment - I've done stretching before & know sometimes it makes TLH say 'these don't look like CDDA' anymore
what I've observed is the amount of stretching needed, seems to affect that analysis - and these guys needed LOTS of stretching
trust me, the files as originally shared by carville DID pass as 100% CDDA
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Filenames have numbers on the end that are the TIMES (ex. - "...-359" is 3min59sec long).
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The usual schmack applies here:
Please don't post this anywhere but DIME.
Please retain this original info file data with any reseedings.
Please do transfer to MP3 or other lossy formats.
Please only trade this with others, don't sell it.
Please support the artists involved by purchasing their official product in massive quantities.