Sun Ra Arkestra
Victoria Nasjonale Jazzsecne, Oslo, Norge
August - 14 - 2014
A LARS M recording
Rec. Info:
Sony ECM 719 -> Sony PCM D50 (@ WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> USBstick (received via snailmail) -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME ->
YOUR EARS AND MIND...and space is the place!
Recorded by dear Lars at 6-7 meters from center stage edge. Seated concert. Nice recording but a bit weak on volume and the low end. I've tried to fix that as much as possible,
to give you an even more satisfying listening, but it's still warts and all. Towards the end you can hear a loud saxophone scream, as the band wandered the audience seats and the
sax took a direct blow into the mic!
Well, I've to admit that I'm not very familiar with this kind of music, especially if I#ve to encounter an artist (or in this case his remaining band) which had released an undefinable
amount of recordings from sometime in the 50's to these days. While this is not a mega crisp recording in any matters, the crowd is enthuastic and loves the performance from the start.
I did no research for the setlist, better leave this off for the experts. But one introduced title took my immediate interest... ANGELS AND DEMONS AT PLAY. Most likely my favourite
"active" band (and of course favourite norwegian!!!) MOTORPSYCHO took one of their album titles from that song. So there we have the connection...cute, isn't it?
Anyway, unfortunately the recording stopped maybe due to recorder difficulties (from the sax blow?) so I made a smooth fadeout. Hope you like these 90 minutes, warts and all...SB.
IMCOMPLETE SHOW (88:48 min.)
01. Norwegian introduction (1:02)
02. ... (5:08)
03. ... (6:03)
04. ... (4:44)
05. ... (7:22)
06. ... (14:15)
07. ... (9:01)
08. Big time # 2 (6:19)
09. Angels and demons at play (9:41)
10. ... (10:08)
11. ... (7:58)
12. Space is the place (7:00) fades out
tracking: I just cut the cake where the audience cheers...
Support this band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use. Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's the tapers that give you this music!
If you sell, you might end up in "dark space"...
Sorry, no details about the lineup...
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2014/12/09